GPS Shot Planning
Provides aerial overviews and GPS data available for over 20,000 courses worldwide. Features waypoint features that go beyond simply tee to green. Golfler gives players access to Ninja Caddie; a market tested rangefinder that eliminates the need to download an additional battery draining application. Players can see a map of where they are anywhere on the course and any potential hazards that might be in their path.
On-Demand Access to Food and Beverages
Golfler allows players on demand access to food and beverage ANYWHERE on the course. Gone are the days of being limited to food and beverage only on the turn or being forced to hunt down a cart attendant. Golfler allows players to order food from a condensed clubhouse menu, pay for that food digitally through a debit or credit card. As soon as orders are processed, the clubhouse gets to work, handing off the delivery to a cart attendant. The cart attendant sees the location of the customer and quickly expedites the order. Customer’s can see the location of the attendant and directly message them with any concerns or questions. Golfler even also allows for patrons to order food to be ready directly at the turn eliminating the need for waiting.
Direct Messaging to the Entire Course
Golfler provides players and course owners with a real time messaging system. Golfers can contact club managers, report destruction of club property, contact cart attendants, the clubhouse, the pro shop or simply message a friend that is playing on a different hole.
On-Demand Access to the Pro Shop
Golfler isn’t limited to food and beverage delivery only. Our application provides users with direct access to your favorite club’s pro shop. From incidentals to a new set of clubs, browse and place equipment orders for immediate on-course delivery.
Improved Pace-of-Play
Quickly resolve pace-of-play issues with two way messaging contact options for players. By mitigating the traditional problems associated with food and beverage delivery, Golfler helps ease the pace of play, making for a quicker game and a happier golfer. Beyond this, Golfler allows players to directly contact a ranger in real time if they encounter any problems or are stuck behind a slow moving group.